There is Venice- thousands of artists flock to it as eager as lemmings dying to jump off a cliff - and I don't blame them. For a painter like myself it is heaven on earth- all that water, the shimmering reflections, the wonderfully painted but quaint houses, that sunlight.....mmm, delicious. I can think of several painters who have reveled in that ambiance and produced wonderful art-From Canaletto to David Curtis and Jonathan Pike.
And then there is Varanasi. I am not a far-ranging , all-knowing expert of Indian art - far, far from it - But having visited hundreds of exhibitions I cannot recall any work on Varanasi that left an impression with the exceptions of some works by Kashi Das ( who I can't find on the net ). I must have seen them but I just cannot recall. So while I am inclined to blame myself , I believe that Indian artists have also done a grave injustice to

go ahead and send me the image .I shall post it if I like it. In fact, I am thinking about doing a post on Kashi Das. What is the address of his site?
ill send it to you tomorrow morning..
ein brummkreisel (my name is radhika!)
p.s.- your artwork is amazing !!!
Thanks for the nice words.
Still waiting for that image.....