Here is starting another new series -on promising artists who should be getting more attention.
First off the block -Vani Pippalla Akula (ok, that's a mouthful). She is based in USA, the land of the free, and many(but not all) of her works seem to be really good.(I say 'seem' because I haven't viewed them in person, but they do look good). A couple of fine ones-

Family of Apples 5" x 7" oil on gessoed board

Rainy Day 5" x 7" oil on gessoed board
Check out her works at -
Compare and contrast-
Would a sensible person rather have one of the above on his/her walls or something as silly as this(by one of our Great Cheese*), K.G. Subramanyan-

An untitled work by K.G. Subramanyan
*The colorful Indian language translator-
Great cheese - a play on the Hindi expression 'mahan cheez', literally a great thing or a great person, sarcastically speaking.
First off the block -Vani Pippalla Akula (ok, that's a mouthful). She is based in USA, the land of the free, and many(but not all) of her works seem to be really good.(I say 'seem' because I haven't viewed them in person, but they do look good). A couple of fine ones-

Family of Apples 5" x 7" oil on gessoed board

Rainy Day 5" x 7" oil on gessoed board
Check out her works at -
Compare and contrast-
Would a sensible person rather have one of the above on his/her walls or something as silly as this(by one of our Great Cheese*), K.G. Subramanyan-

An untitled work by K.G. Subramanyan
*The colorful Indian language translator-
Great cheese - a play on the Hindi expression 'mahan cheez', literally a great thing or a great person, sarcastically speaking.