This is a joke, surely -or is it a cruel irony? Only it is an irony that visits us over and over again.
"Great Cheese" Jatin Das to judge children's painting competition-

This fellow cannot make even a decently good drawing-

or a painting-

or even a sculpture-

Yet he is to to be presented as a devta(god) of art to these impressionable young minds and (horror!) he is to sit in judgment over the art of these enthusiastic youngsters, many of whom probably can draw better than him and with much more sincerity.
In India we have a saying -andhon mein kana raja, i.e. in the kingdom of blind, the one-eyed man becomes king.
However in the contemporary art world, the blind rule and the those with perfect vision(the utterly earnest children ) are expected to worship the sightless.
A painting contest judged by Jatin Das -I consider it child abuse.
Update- Here is the link to the official contest page
Update 2- I have sent the following mail to the organizers-
"Great Cheese" Jatin Das to judge children's painting competition-

This fellow cannot make even a decently good drawing-

or a painting-

or even a sculpture-

Yet he is to to be presented as a devta(god) of art to these impressionable young minds and (horror!) he is to sit in judgment over the art of these enthusiastic youngsters, many of whom probably can draw better than him and with much more sincerity.
In India we have a saying -andhon mein kana raja, i.e. in the kingdom of blind, the one-eyed man becomes king.
However in the contemporary art world, the blind rule and the those with perfect vision(the utterly earnest children ) are expected to worship the sightless.
A painting contest judged by Jatin Das -I consider it child abuse.
Update- Here is the link to the official contest page
Update 2- I have sent the following mail to the organizers-
Dear sir/madam,
I find your selection of judge, a certain Mr. Jatin Das to be an unfortunate choice. As anybody with even a passable vision but a clear head can see, he is not an artist of any particular merit. While you have taken the safe and popular route of choosing a famous artist, you have not considered the impact it may have on the impressionable minds of the youngsters when they are presented a talentless hack as a paragon of artistic greatness.
I expound on this in more detail here-
I wish you had shown some courage and selected someone who really can paint, although your commercial compulsions are understandable if regrettable.
yours sincerely.
Jatin Das is one of the greatest artists of our time...his knowledge is a gift and it is a blessing that these children are exposed to his work...
You sir are narrow minded and foolish..
Yours is a typical case of "have eyes, will not see". Or just ask the children themselves - show them the works of Jatin Das without influencing them by disclosing that they are by a 'great' artist. I can bet that very few will like them and hardly any child would like to 'learn' from such a 'master'.
Wanna try?