According to its Wikipedia
Djinn is a Franco-Belgian comics series written by Jean Dufaux and illustrated by . The story is an adult adventure-thriller and deals with themes of sexuality and colonial politics.
The first four volumes make up the "Ottoman Cycle" while the following five comprise the "Africa Cycle". The "Indian Cycle", planned for four volumes, started 2010 with the volume "Le Pavillon des Plaisirs".
Ana Mirallès Illustrator of the Djinn comics |
The series starts out with-
A young Englishwoman, Kim Nelson, travels to Istanbul in search of information about her grandmother Jade. In the years before World War I, Jade had been the favourite of the "Black Sultan", and ordered by him to seduce an English diplomat, Lord Nelson, in order to alter Turkey's influence in European politics. Kim's story and that of her grandmother are revealed in tandem, in a Europe where sexual and political allegiances are constantly shifting.
Djinn vol 10 - Le Pavillon des Plaisirs
cover |
The "Indian Cycle" book is titled
"Le Pavillon des Plaisirs"(The Pavilion of Pleasures). The French comic book site Coinbd provides us this summary-
Premier épisode d'un nouveau cycle qui se situe chronologiquement après le cycle ottoman et avant le cycle africain, Le Pavillon des Plaisirs se déroule aux Indes à l'époque de la domination britannique. Jade, accompagnée de Lady et de Lord Nelson, arrive au palais d'Eschnapur mandée par la Rani, mère du maharadjah. Celle-ci souhaite que la Djinn initie à l'amour sa future bru, la fille du rebelle Radjah Sing. Ceci dans l'espoir secret que sa bru, forte de son pouvoir, influence la politique de son fils, favorable aux Anglais. Mais une étrange malédiction plane sur le palais. Malédiction qui prend la forme d'une enfant qui ne se montrera... qu'à Jade.
which the Google helpfully translates to(grammar corrected to avoid inadvertent laughter)-
First episode of a new cycle which is chronologically after the Ottoman cycle and before the African cycle, 'Pavilion of Fun' takes place in India at the time of British rule. Jade, accompanied by Lady and Lord Nelson arrives at the palace Eschnapur commanded by the Rani, mother of the Maharaja. She hopes that initiates Djinn initiates his future daughter-the daughter of the rebel Rajah Singh- to love. This in the secret hope that her daughter, with her power, influence the policy of his pro-English son. But a strange curse hangs over the palace. Curse that takes the form of a child who will appear ... to Jade only.
Here are some of the best pages from the book. Unfortunately, I have the Italian version only-
Djinn vol 10 - Le Pavillon des Plaisirs
Djinn vol 10 - Le Pavillon des Plaisirs
pg19 |
Djinn vol 10 - Le Pavillon des Plaisirs
pg32 |
Djinn vol 10 - Le Pavillon des Plaisirs
pg41 |
Djinn vol 10 - Le Pavillon des Plaisirs
pg43 |
The images are tempting enough to make one buy and keep the book.